Ooooooo ya’ll ……… Thanksgiving is almost here!
We LOVE hosting Thanksgiving at our house, and the more the merrier. Today I would like to show ya’ll our dining room all dressed up for for the holiday.

Can ya’ll tell that this big white bird is the center of attention?
When my Mama relinquished this holiday to me I was thrilled! So every Thanksgiving I would get myself one thing that was Thanksgivingish. And I know that is nuts, but buying it all at one time not any fun. This year I have incorporated these small turkey desert plates. They also match a great big , super heavy turkey platter that I already have.
The acorn salt and pepper shakers I got several years ago.

So from our home and our heart, we hope ya’ll have a wonderful Thanksgiving !
Much love, Paige
What a lovely, inviting table. A safe and very happy Thanksgiving to you, Big Daddy, your family, and, of course, your furry “children”!
Thank you so much!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Thanks for sharing your lovely dining room. I LOVE the turkey platter and the dessert dishes that match. Your table looks wonderful! Enjoy your day and gobble till you wobble!!
Sheryl R
Sheryl thank you so much!