********** This post contains affiliated links to products that I know, use and LOVE. We make small commission from your purchase while your cost remains the same. **********
Good afternoon ya’ll! I am currently sitting out on the screen porch and am enjoying getting off work a bit early today :))). The sky is Carolina blue and there is a nice breeze blowing through. Today I wanted to share some new products we have been using on our furniture refinishing projects. After all the years we have been in the furniture biz I was still looking for the worlds best clear topcoat…….. and I think I may have found it.
General Finishes products have been in my arsenal for a number of years. So when I watched a YouTube video of Arm-R-SEAL topcoat I was impressed with how easy it is to apply. Ya’ll you wipe in on with a clean rag. Per the video, you apply three separate coats to your piece and allow each to dry well. then sand lightly with a fine sanding sponge. Be sure to wipe the piece down with a tack cloth to remove the dust from sanding before you apply the next coat.
I have been using Melange Paints One almost exclusively for about two years now. There is no shop anywhere near me so I purchase them on Etsy ya’ll. This stuff covers really well and it comes in a GOB of beautiful colors!
As a furniture painter I can not tell you how many times I have found a great piece of furniture but had to walk right past it because it had a quarter sized hole in it or it was missing a whole corner of a drawer. These epoxy sticks come in lots of wood colors. You will need to read the instructions and use gloves.

Every year around Easter when Aldi and Walmart have all these different colors of Hydrangea and I lose my mind! This year I found this pink and green one a Aldi. The bee pot came from Walmart’s garden center ya’ll. I also picked up a new Peony there as well.
Ya’ll have a great weekend!