Ya’ll EVERYTHING in our perineal gardens is way, WAY out of the ground! I have a new peony that I am just dying to see bloom this year and I can not wait. It’s a coral color that I didn’t know existed so wish me luck! Also, in honor of the season I have a fun furniture makeover to show you.

I bought this antique oak dresser on Facebook Marketplace for $50. It had nice hardware as well but the further I got in to the design of the piece I did end up using knobs instead. Knobs are a bit less busy than pulls, at least on my eyes anyway. I just bagged up the pulls that came with the dresser and will absolutely find a useful them down the road on another piece.
It was another lesson in patience on this one as well.
I wanted to do a raw look on this one, so I sanded down the top, front, drawer fronts and the curved apron at the bottom of the dresser. The sides are painted in Dixie Belle’s Drop Cloth which is a lovely cream color that I have used on several pieces over the years. If you recall from the blue star dresser It took days for me to finish the drawers. These oak drawers were finished in a day. Live and learn………
This one also has a key!
I did have a bit of a hard time picking a drawer liner for her…………

I love this paper with all the ferns ya’ll!

I love how the raw oak top turned out, the oak grain is really nice! I did seal it in Annie Sloan clear furniture wax. It did darken the wood a bit and it was worth to protect the wood.
What’s the weather where ya’ll are? And what are your favorite flowers this time of year? My Hydrangea and Peonies are my faves! I love to cut them and bring the inside the house and on the screen porch.
Have a great week ya’ll!