I swear to God Pinterest is the devil……….. or at the very least something that takes nuts like me and makes us think we can just do anything. I go down the rabbit hole known as Pinterest several times a week looking for inspiration for new ways to refinish furniture, recipes to cook , you name it and I am knee deep in it for hours. Just ask Big Daddy. And a fair percentage of the time it is waste of time and I am more confused than ever or I’m out in the driveway cussing like a sailor, trying to sand a MESS I just made off of a dresser. Yea, there’s a beer and a lawn chair moment in my neighborhood if there ever was one. Today’s post however is about one of my crazy ass ideas that actually worked.

Today’s victim brought to ya’ll by the nice young lady who was moving back to her home state of Georgia…….
for $50.

This is a LARGE piece of furniture ya’ll.
Large and heavy. The pulls are original and really nice which is an added financial bonus. It needed no repairs and the mahogany top was flawless. I sanded down the top and the drawer fronts first with my orbital sander the I got out the paint.

This was SUPER tedious ya’ll.
I had to have the entire house all to myself while I was painting this one. I took my time with it and 3 days later it was finished. Just like the BIG Boho dresser I went back over all the painted design with a fine sanding sponge to get the worn, kind of barely there, soft kinda thing.

I had ordered this peel and stick wallpaper from Amazon several weeks ago and it matched the blue paint color really well! It was also a BIG roll of it for a great price. Wallpaper can be super expensive .
I uses a large stencil for this project. It is actually a stencil you would use to stencil concrete or a floor of some kind. If anyone is interest in it just let me know and I will send the link to it. It was not hard at all to use. I did secure it in place with frog tape each time I painted a section.

I hope all of ya’ll are doing well. We are looking forward to Spring and everything is popping up out of the ground around here. My Dad is well and seems content in the nursing facility. I can’t ask for anything more!
Good news about your Dad, Paige. This piece is just lovely and so unique! I love that you’re colouring outside the lines a bit these days. Keep going for it!!
Allison thank you so much for those kind words! It means a lot .