********** This post contains affiliated links to products that I used and loved on this particular project. This means that we make small commission on your purchase while you cost remains the same.**********
Let’s just get this out there right off the bat:
I like the Boho wave we are currently riding in terms of style and trends. However I am not ready to through out all of my decor in favor of it. Having said that, meet today’s victim………

This is exact photo that I saw on Facebook Marketplace.
And honestly??? All I saw was an oak chest of drawers for $50 with GOBS of storage. Yep, $50. The young couple that was selling it was just so so nice and the experience was great! They even loaded it in to my car. And honest to God, all the way home I was just waiting for it to blow up or start reeking .
But it never did…….

Ya’ll I am CRAZY in love with this piece.
When I sanded off the rather orange original stain I had pristine white oak ya’ll! I chose to leave the top and the sides raw. The drawers however were a different matter.
I found a very cool but small dandelion stencil on Etsy and it took me 3 days but I managed to stencil all five drawers. Once they were dry I sanded them down with a finer grit sanding sponge to make the ‘softer’ if that makes any sense. I did’t want any raised edges from the stencil, just smooth and barely there color.

I had great fun with the drawers!
I had piles of black and white wallpaper pieces so I made the most of them.

Every drawer is a different black and white paper :). Black and white is a favorite of mine anyway. I love how clean it is and the simplicity of it. It’s just a fun surprise for the next owners of this piece.
Here’s the link to the drawer pulls if anyone is interested .

And links to the wallpaper., wallpaper, wallpaper

In most cases in life you need to look past what something is, and think about what might become.
Case in point?
See above :)))))
Y’all have a great week!
This proves my comment when I said you were a furniture artist. I’m so impressed!
Beverly you are too good to me! Thank you! I’m pretty impressed with how this on turned out 😊
That stencil is perfect on that dresser! You got a great deal and you made it beautiful! Pinning😊
Cindy thank you so much!