I swear……..
Sometimes I don’t know what , in this world I was thinking when I drag stuff home.
Now this is the actual FB Marketplace photo that prompted me ask the seller the age old question, ‘Is this still available?’. The photo is a bit sketch, the dresser on closer inspection is beat up and appears to be buried under mounds of God know what. But what I saw was a 6 drawer pine dresser for $35.
One day ya’ll…………one day something very similar is going to bite me square in the A$$.
Thankfully, today was not that day :)))
I should clean out my paint cabinet wwwaaayyy more often ya’ll.
This is Country Chic Paint in a lovely teal color they call Jitterbug. Last Fall when Big Daddy and I were driving home from the coast I got it in my crazy little head that I wanted to stop at a shop that sold the brand since there isn’t a retailer anywhere near us. I used the color once last Fall……… and forgot about .
Now I am kicking my own butt.
The pulls on this pine dresser are actually a show all to themselves.
Very Art Deco.
They are darling! But be prepared to do some math ya’ll. They are not at all a standard size.
Big Daddy cussed ya’ll ……. a lot.
The knobs are also from Hobby Lobby and are my very favorite glass knobs.
As for the paper in the drawers ………..
This Chickadee paper is one of my very favorites. It is hard to tell in this photo but the background color is a pale Robin’s egg blue. Oh, it was a show in my kitchen floor: Me in my feet pajamas with every piece of drawer lining paper I have ever ordered scattered around me , trying to find the perfect one for a big ‘ol teal dresser!
Ya’ll, I get a ton of questions about the drawer lining in general. I am currently working on a tutorial in that department. Just remember, there is a right way and a wrong way to line a drawer with paper.
Then there’s my way……..
Enjoy your week !
I recently finished one similar from the 50’s for my Mom. We kept the same brass pulls on it and painted it with fusion mineral paint in Fern and left the top unpainted. She loved how it came out and changed the whole look of the living room. You do beautiful work, Paige.
Lynn thank you so much! I bet yours was gorgeous in that green. I’ve been thinking about trying that color.