We are still sheltering in place here at the Davis home.
Big Daddy is now my Warden as well as my Psychiatrist .
Home is fun, like FUN, fun. It would be way, WAY more fun if the state of North Carolina had my back financially. As of yet? They do not. You can NOT even get anyone on the phone or email at the NC unemployment joint. This has become scary to me. I have never not worked. Never. I started babysitting the neighbor kids at 13 . Days after I graduated from high school I got my first public job at a tanning salon. To pay for collage I became somewhat of a migrant worker. I worked at an accountant’s office during tax season, a ski resort in Winter and spent a Summer at Grove Park Inn. I was working nights in a bar when I met Big Daddy. My last year of collage and my first year out I work at the hospital in the ultrasound department and moonlighted at the county health department to cover wedding expenses. In less than a month from today would have been my 30 year anniversary at the OB/GYN I am now furloughed from. Up until now I have always been earning an income. I actually do not know how to act right now. We stopped watching any news of any kind over two weeks ago. That’s not helping at all now.
All I know to do right now is stay busy.
One of the things my Warden/ Psychiatrist prohibits is random, unplanned , frivolous trips to the store. So I made do with what I had on hand….
I wanted flowers.
I do not have one thing at all blooming in my yard right now. I do however have a sweet collection of green things:))
Have about 8 varieties of Hostas. They range from green to blue to yellow to white. So I took a walk around and ended up with quite a lovely arrangement for our kitchen table!
See that Macman in the window? He has become my shadow and I love him for that!
This makes me smile every time I walk through the house !
I just have to keep this in mind 🙂
Stay safe and well,
I think it’s absolutely stunning…reminds me of arrangements that my floral design instructor used to create, very elegant.
Thank you Sweet lady! Love you girl 🙂
I cannot imagine what you are going through…the sense of frustration and unease would be overwhelming. I am just hoping that this whole nightmare is resolved as quickly -and safely- as possible. Of course Macman knows how much you need him right now!! Holding good thoughts for all of you !!!
Kristine my friend these babies are loving having us both home all day. They are gonna have a duck fit when we go back to our respective workplaces. PS: the state finally came through $
I get the job thing but in a different way. Our son lost his job so now we are carrying 2 households. Thank God we are managing but it’s been 5 weeks and the Re-employment Office (Florida thinks if you give a new, cute name it makes everything alright) says another 3 weeks before a check in a very small amount reaches him. Love your hostas, we can’t grow them.
Ooooooo Pamela I feel your pain! I hope things get much better for ya’ll!