Ya’ll I am getting down to it out in The Hell Hole. There are 5 more pieces left out there and then it’s all Big Daddy’s crap!!! Today I am sharing a quick and cute update on an old footstool that I honestly can not remember when I got it. There was still a sticker on it that says I paid $6 for it. I really loved the green striped slipcover that was on it but when I got it home I noticed what looked like paint in several places on it. So today was the the day this thing got a new lease on life.
And here’s the newer version :)))
I had just a bit of this fabric leftover from Pillowpalooza last month when the Stay Home order went in to effect. I really love this fabric. It has all the colors of Spring , plus it’s linen I painted the legs in Homestead Blue from Fusion Mineral paint to match.
See what I mean about those colors?
So this slipcover is made from two pieces of fabric, one rectangle that completely covers the padded top and the wooden frame and a 6 inch strip that goes all the way around the wooden frame plus about 6 inches.
That’s it.
It’s the 4th one I have done this way.
Here’s the link to the tutorial:
How We Made Our Slipcover for Our Ottoman, My Cute Little Helper, and a New Mirror
Enjoy ya’ll!
So cute!!!!!
Lynn thank you! I think so too!