I have made some really hair brained moves in my 53 years on this planet but this particular one is really embarrassing. So this used furniture shop recently opened up in my neighborhood and I could not wait to go rummaging through it.
Can I get an Amen?
I mean to tell ya’ll that I am currently wearing them OUT at 4 Goodwills, 3 Salvation Armys and 2 very nice Habitat Restores in my area. Case in point about 3 1/2 hours ago I shot in the drop-off area at my actual Goodwill to pic up a dresser I bought days ago that I couldn’t take home the day I bought it because I already had the back end of my Jeep fun of desk. I can not make this crap up ya’ll…… So I pull in, jump out receipt in hand, very quickly sling open my hatch and spread a car blanket out in the back all without breaking sweat when the Goodwill Man says, ‘Oh Lord you again!’ with a big smile on his face :)))
You gotta love it!
Back to my story…… I ended up buying an occasional table from the NEW used furniture store man. As the price dictated the tables was pretty beat up and the top was being held together with screws and a big ugly bracket. I my mind I thought some wood glue and a couple of clamps would do the trick. There is actually no way in this world that I could have been more wrong.
This is the table in question but this is not the top.
If you ever need a replacement table top about 23′ across, Home Depot is the place to go. FYI? Lowes was almost $30 were as Home Depot was $10.41.
On our way home from the coast this past week I stopped at a shop that stocked Country Chic paint and walked away with this really gorgeous teal color called Jitterbug! Ya’ll I came of age in the 80’s so this color was like our state flag. It is a really deep rich color and you have not at all seen the last of it here.
I love the curves of the little shelf ya’ll !
I did sand the new pine top because It had a few rough/ splintered spots before I stained it with Minwax Dark Walnut. After several hours to let it dry I sealed it with Minwax water based Poly. The original top was maple and I was really disappointed to loose it but I love me some pine ya’ll.
Ya’ll have a great week!
Jitterbug is a gorgeous color and really helps showcase those lovely table legs! What a beautiful table, I’m a tad jealous!
Thank you Audra! I will take that compliment 🙂