Well, new to us anyway :))
So here’s the backstory:
It was a dark and rainy night……..
No seriously, it was a Thursday evening just about dark when I walk out of the Goodwill in Arden. I have this habit of parking near the donation drop off. I developed the habit because every time I parked over there I would score a cool piece of furniture so I kept it up, even on rainy days. So as I was walking back to my car I cut under the covered part of that donation doors. *****Side note: someone left a comment on this blog a while back and said she like the furniture makeovers but loved when I shared personal stuff. Well I cut through the donation bay because I am afraid of the dark ya’ll. Always have been. I slept with my Mama (who worked swing shift!!!) till I was 12 years old. So anyway, there sat one of a pair of these Ikea rattan parsons chairs. Ya’ll do not know how many times I have had a pair of these kind of chairs in my cart on Amazon or Walmart but I never could pull the trigger. They are really pricey!
Not these though, they were in really great shape and $25 each. I made three trips back to that same Goodwill over the next 3 days until they finally put them out on the floor.
I love the contrast of textures between the painted pieces in this room and the woven parts of the chairs.
In other news I rounded up my entire white pitcher / creamer collection and displayed them together in the eating area of the kitchen.
These two fancies are my favorite :))
I have been adding a few more Spring touches to the house and will be sharing them later this week with ya’ll.
Thanks for visiting me!
SCORE!!!!!!! Those chairs are gorgeous and what a deal! I LOVE those kind of stories! Also LOVE your tureen and pitcher collection. I have quite a large collection also, of both white tureens AND pitchers! Can never get enough and love to display them. Gorgeous how you displayed yours! You have it “going on” girl ! Keep it up and keep sharing with us! Have a blessed day!
Veronica I’m pretty sure you and I were separated at birth ❤️❤️❤️
If I see something by the donation drop off I will ask if I can buy it! I frequent my neighborhood GW often enough they recognize my face. I have tried to wait and missed out on treasures.
Nice score on those chairs! And love, love LOVE your make overs!!
Ella thank you so much. You put a 😊 On my face.
Absolutely – the rattan up against the painted pieces and the top of your kitchen table – it’s the perfect combination of contrast and harmony! It’s pretty to the soul! I also started collecting white pitchers and a few creamers. Marion over at Miss Mustard Seed inspired me. Ironstone is no where to be found in Southern California, so I make do with Home Goods finds and thrift shop / yard sale treasures. I love their beautiful, calm simplicity — even when they’re fancy like your new ones !!!
Kristine thank you! It’s always nice to hear from you😊
I’m just posting this to say how much I love you. Glad you’re happy with your finds.
– Big Daddy
I will deal with you later MR 💋💋💋
Love your chairs! So will your kittens – sorry! I fear for their lives…
Good luck!
Grace LMAO!!!!!
Funny!! I have been on the lookout for a pair of these chairs since (sadly) passing some by in great shape at a moving sale. Yesterday at the thrift store I spied a pair but when I got near I saw a kitty had loved them very dearly. They were positively shredded, yet the store was asking about what you paid for yours.Your kitchen looks great.
Thank you ! We love them❤️