Some time last Summer I got a really good deal on a console table……and then I forgot about it. Ok that is not entirely the truth. I forgot about because I could no longer see it. Ok……I piled so much other crap on and around it I couldn’t see it. There. I said it. The Hell Hole has reached a new level of Hell Holeyness.
God help us all……
Anyway I am trying my best to work through the furniture that I have amassed out there. This console table is my very first purchase on Letgo. Funny thing? It was 4 minutes from my house.
Crazy huh???
I’m pretty sure this is the 5th one of these that I have refinished. They revamp really well:). I used my favorite gray paint, Dixie Belle Hurricane Gray. That warm color can bring just about any piece of furniture more current.
This is my newest piece of silver. And she is lovely! I had been eyeballing these silver plate pheasants on eBay and Etsy . Apparently there is a male and a female. I have seen a few pairs on eBay but not in my price range. This one was in my budget and had free shipping 🙂
This is not a small bird.
At 11 inches long she is pretty substantial. If any of y’all have the mail and want rid of it, I am your girl :)))
Very nice console table, and I love your silver bird. I confess, I have a bit of a pheasant fetish myself as it’s an appealing motif that I like to use, particularly in fall and winter. I have a very small collection of porcelain and pottery pieces with pheasants, and have some lovely plates that I plan to use next Thanksgiving with pheasants (rather than the ubiquitous turkey motif that I also like), but none in my collection is metal or sculptural. Your pretty girl is so lovely! (I see the male version is currently listed on eBay at a fixed price with free shipping from an IL seller, but he might be more than you’d care to spend?)
Lord Leslile thanks for that tip!
Glad to help – and I meant to type Leslie (I clearly needed more coffee before typing yesterday…lol). Good luck!