There are several words that I type in to the search box on Craigslist constantly. Dresser is the one I use the most. Buffet is always the one with the absolute least results. Well, the least results in my budget anyway. About three weeks ago I typed that word in to that search box and found this:
This photo was taken in my Hell Hole. Not the seller of this gorgeous buffet’s Hell Hole. I gotta start remembering to save the photos from the actual Craigslist ad before the seller takes the ad down.
This buffet was listed for sale on my side of town for $40. I am here to tell you that I could not craft my email to this guy fast enough. As soon as I got his response out the door I went to get it.
Here’s the reason it was so cheap.
Big burn hole.
I am really not sure how the previous owners managed to not burn their house down on this one. To the seller’s credit there was a picture of this burn hole in the top of the buffet in the Craigslist ad but I really had no idea what I was looking at. So job number one was to try and sand this out without throwing my $40 out the window.
Game On.
Thank Sweet Baby Jesus this top was solid wood.
The burn mark sanded out but it was pretty deep, leaving a bit of a divot in the wood. The divot is smaller that the base of these lamps so most things will still set level on the top of the buffet.
Speaking of theses lamps……. they used to be brass and navy blue.
I painted these as well with three coats of General Finishes Bone white and sealed them with GF Flat Out Flat top coat. Yet another use for that stuff. The finial is an old wooden dresser knob that I just painted in the same color and distressed a bit. The palm prints were a Goodwill find that I had been hanging on to for just the right occasion and piece. I think they suit this piece of furniture very well :)))
I found the hardware on this buffet at
They are French and I am crazy about them!!!
Big Daddy was pretty skeptical about them at first . Once we got the all put on he understood my crazy……..once again.
I used my favorite black on this buffet, GF Lamp Black.
It seems to elevate anything that it touches.
At over 5 feet long this buffet is a really substantial piece of furniture with those lovely curves ash the bottom. I really did not want any color that might take away from that.
Have a great weekend!!!
Girl ! Girl ! Giiiiiiiiirl ! You really did it this time! Do you realize how much talent you have in making over these pieces???? I don’t think you do !!!! You have such an “eye” to restoring, revitalizing AND recreating the beauty and personality to these furniture pieces! Can you tell that I am AMAZED ! I am about to do a happy dance on this one! I think ALL your pieces are just gorgeous and you are amazing! A friend gave me 6 of her Mom’s dining room chairs because they are moving ( I have been searching for a while); and I am just going to clean or recover the seats and touch up the wood, but in my mind I am imagining the wonders you could do to them! Love your posts, they inspire me to “see” the potential beauty in cast-offs ! Have a blessed day!
You are such a blessing to me V! Thank you so much for the encouragement:). Love you girl!!!!
Stunning (I know….I say that all the time!). Regal. No-nonsense. Take me seriously. Those are the words this piece is saying to me. I am starting to realize that I very rarely come across painted pieces (on blogs, FB, whatever…) that are painted black or navy blue. And when you paint your pieces those colors, they look stupendous (trying not to use stunning again!) Love it !