Ya’ll I Get most of my biggest and best furniture scores from Facebook Marketplace, hands down. But lately? It has been my neighborhood Goodwill.
Case in Point:
This photo was taken before The Pressure Washing Man came. Please disregard the green siding. But know this: The entire house looked worse. This was actually one of the cleaner spots.
Ten bucks ya’ll.
I can not make this crap up.
When I pulled in our driveway I shot in the house like I was shot out of a gun and grabbed Big Daddy. I was so excited about this piece, price tag or no price tag. He took one look at this table and said, ‘Nope. We are NOT getting rid of my coffee table’ , and walked right back in the house.
He is a Meanie Head.
Lord, this table!
The legs are amazing , to say the least. I honestly do not recall ever seeing one like it. I did find this one that is similar:
And I also honestly do not remember ever dragging anything home that was in this good of a shape. It needed nothing. At all. But I made the decision to show off these legs just a little bit more 🙂
I originally started painting this table with a different furniture paint that I have not used very much at all. I immediately started getting bleed through. So I quit for the night and went to bed. The next evening I stopped by my local General Finishes retailer and came home with a pint of Bone White chalk paint and one hour later it was done. It did take two good coats of that Bone White plus touchups to get really good coverage on this dark stained oak though.
The top needed nothing.
Unless you count these amazing purple hydrangea.
They came from Big Daddy’s Mama’s house and they are gorgeous!
I did not touch this top.
This is the original finish and I love the look of it. It did have three small smears of paint on it. Most of that paint scraped right off with my fingernail. I took a well used fine grit sanding sponge to what was left and it did the trick.
Now let’s have a little commotion for these legs please :))))
And the cross pieces at the bottom.
Thanks for visiting me 🙂
$10????? The last bottle of shampoo I bought cost more than that! I love it…. and I love the stonewashed one you found, too. I’ve been contemplating whitewashing a cabinet I bought at an estate sale at least 30 years ago. Your bravery is contagious this morning!
Cindy you have just paid me the highest of compliments and I thank you! My particular brand of crazy is no little thing🙈
I got your commotion right here! I literally said “Wow!” out loud at the first picture. (I scared poor Archie who is sitting next to me.) That is one absolutely stunning and gorgeous table – and you did it just exactly perfect! I am still saying wow! I don’t care where you put it — that one is a keeper! I have never ever seen live hydrangeas that color of purple. ‘Course I live in California, so there you go – they are stunningly beautiful!
That table is just darn fabulous! I’m loving these dark finished tops with light painted bases and legs and this one is a definite keeper. Well done! My list your inspiration pieces just keeps growing – and those hydrangeas are spectacular on this piece!
Aww, man! I was in Asheville all weekend. Looks like I should have gone to Goodwill. This table is beautiful.
You couldn’t have a better piece to do your magic on. Wow is right, the table looks fabulous! Great job!
Goes to prove we live in wrong part of country, won\\\’t see pieces like that here and if we did would be way over $10 at Goodwill, more like $100 at Grand Junction Goodwill. I am so drooling over your incredible table. You did fantastic job on table. Seems bit of shame to cover that gorgeous wood grain on base and legs but still looks great. The top is wonderful. I usually don\\\’t mind painting wood but with that lovely wood I had bit of bad moment seeing it painted, sorry enuf said.
Makes me wish we could make trip to KY for some great and incredible pieces, much better chance of finding something like your table at decent price. We lived north of Bowling Green for 5 years, so many lovely affordable pieces at little town called Smith\\\’s Grove just northeast of BG among several other wonderful areas. Found great pieces in MT also, lived few miles south of Helena, antiques, vintage pieces everywhere.
Enjoy all those great antiques and vintage pieces. Have wonderful week.