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This was 100% an impulse buy.
Those sweet little legs get me every time!
This is one half of a 1920’s era vanity. For as long as I can remember furniture from the 1920’s had been my mania. When I was a little, little girl my Aunt Wanda had every piece in this bedroom set. Now my aunt Nonnie has it…….. and I daydream all the time about talking her out of it. I haven’t a doubt in my mind that this piece was once a vanity. I’m thinking the mirror of that vanity was either broken or just discarded and someone salvaged the set of drawers on each side. I would love to get my hand on a pair of those one day. Aunt Nonnie look out!
I get really excited about an new piece of furniture.
Like 12 year old girl excited, squeals and all. I forgot to take a before photo of this table. The veneer on each side of it, down at the bottom here was all peeling up and curly. It actually looked like fringe! I was absolutely blinded by my love of the thing or I would have never brought it home. To fix it I snapped each little piece of fringe (the peeling veneer) off by hand and the sanded the edge that had created nice and even with my orbital sander.
Lord, give me some Duck Egg anytime you want!
Annie Sloan Duck Egg is the quintessential, perfect aqua in my opinion.
I really sanded this piece good with my medium grit sanding sponge to bring out as many details as I possible could on this little table. Personally I feel like it would have been a shame not to.
The top was in the best shape of the entire piece.
Just a quick sanding took care of the bit of original finish that was left on it and then I finished it up wit Annie Sloan Dark Wax.
Aside from the veneer fiasco this was a quick makeover.
Happy weekend y’all!
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I love this style of furniture the best also! So many wonderful details. I’ve taken many vanities and desks apart and repurposed them as side tables through the years.When the sides are too damaged, we’ve added vintage tin or beadboard. They’re the perfect height on either side of a bed or a couch, plus they have storage! And yes, that Duck Egg is the perfect color, especially combined with the beautiful wood tones! Great project!