I have had the most fun with this project!
But it didn’t start out this way.
Every Goodwill in Asheville has a buttload of these frames, all with this same rhododendron print in them. When I saw the $2 price tag I grabbed two of the frames and headed home to figure out what fun things I could do with them 🙂
Oh, the little things in Paige Land that make her happy……And drive her Big Daddy bat crap!
Have you ever notices the instant downloads for sale on Etsy? I have been eying them for a while and waiting for just this occasion to actually purchase one. It took me almost a week to decide on which one to get. I am aBotanical Nutjob to begin with so this project just fueled that like crazy.
Here’s my supply list:
thrifted frame $2
fern digital download $2
printing my fern off a flash drive at Office Max on cheap paper $1.60
paint $0 already had plenty to choose from
craft or wrapping paper
packing tape
clear tape
razor knife
picture hanger/cleat $.33 Walmart
The hardest part was getting in to that frame. Somebody was serious about their job at the fame shop. There must have been 25 of those pin things holding the foam core in the frame!!!!
I was making up cuss words.
Next I had to separate the matte from the foam board.
They were glued together with something they use on the Space Shuttle. I swear. The easiest way and causing the least damage was to very gently pry them apart using a case knife. I really took my time with this part because I really wanted to reuse that matte.
See my struggle?
Once the matte was free I cut a piece of brown craft paper about an inch bigger than the matte, all the way around .
I very carefully folded the paper over the edges of the matte and creased them really good. I used the clear tape to hold them in place.
Next, I went out in to the Hell Hole and pilfered around in Big Daddy’s tools till I found his razor knife. I snagged the box out of the recycling to use under my craft paper wrapped matte to protect my dining room table.
With that razor knife I made two diagonal cuts in the center of my matte from corner to corner. I went over the center of that X in the middle a couple of times to make sure I had cut all the way through the paper then very gently ran my index finger along the cut, much like opening a letter until I had four flaps. I trimmed the flaps with scissors and taped them down and then centered and taped my fern print . All that was left was to re assemble the frame, minus those pin things. I closed the back with packing tape.
On this frame I chose to use black milk paint. I applied two coats of General Finishes Lamp black and distressed the frame quite a bit. I really wanted the color of the wood to show through.
I just can’t stop looking at this frame. I love how it looks with the fern print 🙂
Five Bucks.
So here’s the deal. I could not for the life of me just do one of these. I will be sharing the rest all this week.
Stay tuned !
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I love this!! I wish i lived closer to your shop because i would have so much fun buying things. I love all you do! The thrift shop is a great spot for frames but they do need help. Most are pretty ugly. On a funny note I clicked on the fern print and it took me to a fern print dress. 🙂 This looks so cute. I love those colors.
Thank you Julie. You are correct about the frames. This project give the hope though:)
Love that print too! You did a great job on that frame. Those factory jobs are crazy hard to take apart. 🙂