One night last week on my way home I stopped off at a place I probably been in for a year or two, at least.
I was on a mission to find something that in my family at Christmas, is like gold.
Lord, this stuff!
If you’ve never tried this stuff I am
here to tell you it will be the best $1.50 you have ever spent……
If you can find it.
Alas, I struck out in the Chapstick department but I hit the Mother Load back in Kmart’s Christmas section.
See for yourself:
I lost my mind back there.
I fell stone, cold in love with these gingerbread cookie ornaments! I shared my Christmas table a few days ago and these were the stars of that show.
And the $2.39 each was a steal.
I used them for favors at a dinner party this past weekend.
I kept the snowflakes for us 🙂
Then there’s these little guys.
They had several little sweater animals. The Polar Bear was pretty sweet but the Reindeer came home with me.
We have used a quilt as our tree skirt for years and we love it because it’s beautiful and my Mama made it. But I fell for the ‘feel’ of this sweater one.
I could not resist the warm, Wintery look and feel of it, much less the little closures.
My last find from my very unexpected trip in to Kmart was these galvanized metal cottages.
The windows at all glass and the have glass doors that open and a holder for a tea light inside them. They are a pretty good size as well, about 10 inches high, if you count that little chimney.
Those little chimneys are the sweetest things. When you blow out the tealight the smoke actually curls right out that chimney:)
So thanks for stopping by my little blog today and maybe do the same at your Kmart.
You really never know what you will find!
Blogs I love!
I drove past a Kmart today & knew there was a reason to go in, but for the life of me I couldn't remember why. Now I remember! Those cute gingerbread-like ornaments!! Thanks for the reminder & the tip!!