I get sort of introspective at this time of the year. I try to let go of all of the things that I should not dwell on and mull over in my mind all of the things that I have to be thankful for.
And they are many.
Not the least of which are my family, health and happiness. My family is the most important thing to me on Gods green earth. I share my life with a good, decent, kind and beautiful man who thinks he married Cindy Crawford.
I have an amazing marriage, a nice roof over my head , great friends and a really good job. Southern curated, this blog an all of y’all who read it are chocolate icing on the multilayered cake that is my life. I feel so incredibly fortunate and blessed.
Looking forward in terms of my blog I have a few plans:). I’m pretty sure I’ve gone as far with Blogger ( as a platform) as I am able. I am a Mac girl and as far as I can tell Google does not like Mac. Well, that lets me out right there.
Currently I’m just sorta making do in terms of blogging on Mac devices and it’s frustrating.
I cuss ALOT!!
So I’ve been doing some research and exploring some options in my budget range. Things look pretty doable to me so I’m moving forward 🙂
Today I’m just laying low in my new feety pajamas watching the Georgia Bull Dogs play, with Emmitt and Big Daddy and being really, truly peaceful. For me this is a learned behavior.
I learned it years ago.
I’ve included a few random photos from around our home over the Christmas holiday. I hope y’all enjoy them.
I think I’m gonna miss this stuff more this year than ever.
Happy New Year to y’all!
Thank you for all you’ve done to make this little blog o mine such fun!
Blogs I love!
Best wishes to you in the new year!
Looking forward to new surprises on your blog. Although most of your blogs surprise me with what you find & change into beautiful pieces of furniture. Just wish I lived closer!! Anyway, you have a happy, blessed & healthy year!!