Sometimes my crazy little head works overtime.
And not in a good way.
In the kinda way where I’m miserable, don’t sleep well and can’t concentrate. I’d been like that for about a week.
Then I got worse.
Life happens.
We all have things in our lives that cause this situation. Unless of course, you live alone in a hole in the ground with no outside contact, no job, no family and no parents who are aging. If that’s you, then you’ve got it made. You are board and lonely, but you have zero responsibility or heartbreak.
And I’m here to tell you that I will take my life, even when it’s difficult , over board and lonely. I will take everything that comes my way anytime. . . .
Over feeling nothing at all.
So yesterday, after days of watching me sulk and worry and have a stomach virus (good God, talk about insult to injury!!!) Big Daddy slung me in to his truck and tried to feed me breakfast and coffee (this almost always works) and marched me all over Landrum, South Carolina. Then I had a long conversation with Aunt Wanda, who is my New Mama and my spiritual / moral compass.
Something happened to me and Big Daddy in Landrum that was absolutely ment to happen.
We stopped at a random yard sale.
I can not even begin to count the number of times I have done this. And we’ve met lots of nice people along the way, but not like the man who was having the yard sale. We ended up spending an hour or more just talking to this amazing man. Laddie is a 79 year old Korean War Veteran who can tell a story like nobody’s business!
And Lord have mercy, did this girl need a story 🙂
He even took us down the street and introduced us to his neighbors who were also having a yard sale. My kinda people! It was really hard to tell who was grinning the biggest when we parted ways, Laddie or the Davises!
While we were out, I hit a few Thrift and Antiques shops that I hardly ever get near,
And a clear and destinct pattern started to emerge.
The beautiful antique turquoise book was by first find.
And it went on from there.
The white china pitcher I got from Laddie and truth be told, it has definitely found a good home.
The brown bottle was a buck.
The Sea Shell print I found at an animal shelter Thriftstore. I’m not sure if you can tell from the picture but it all done in brown ink.
The fabric is a Mill Creek piece that came from my neighborhood shop. I’ve been eyeing this particular pattern for months but never got really serious about it, until now.
I think I may be on to something with this little pile of goodies. I’m really loving the colors and textures. It almost seems to have something of a Coastal vibe.
I think I’m gonna see where it takes me.
Maybe to my living room.
We’ll see 🙂
Blogs I love!
Well. it all looks wonderful together. Sounds like a wonderful day out!