In mid October I moved in to a small rented space in a local antiques shop.
I gotta say, I’m loving have my own shop!
It’s quite fun playing house in it. When I first moved in I was all the way in the very back. It was great to begin with, but became progressively colder as Winter set in. Plus, I thought that back row would develope in to Vintage Wonderland. That was the plan anyway. When the plan didn’t materialize and I was freezing to death back there I approached the owner, Ronnie, about trying to move to what I perceived to be a more prime spot:
Closer to the front of the building.
That day was come!
I like the space sooooo much better! Plus , I have heat. So there’s that. The walls are painted a neutral color and the space has actual flooring. The first space was yucky concrete. I bought a rug for it but that was a BIG mistake because the rug stayed FILTHY.
I spent a good bit of time down there this week dolling up the place. It amazed me how many shoppers wanted to hang out and talk with me. It was a really cool surprise and I so enjoyed it!
I’ve been stockpiling lots of my thrifting finds for Spring and this vintage/antique print is one of them. The colors are so lovely, I’m sort of regretting not hanging it in my kitchen.
I may have to rethink that.
Blogs I love!
Great new space – and heat in the winter is always a good thing!! Really love the two lamps with wood bases, I am sure they will get snatched up very quickly! Good luck in your new shop.
You are so sweet, thank you! The bases are not wood they are chalk painted brass.
Your space looks so good! If you would consider shipping that print to Maryland, please let me know. Take care, Stacey
I'm still eyeballing that primitive stool that you did over in green. Glad you got a cozy stall that people will enjoy shopping in!
I love your shop! All of your items are beautiful.
Saw your link at Savvy Southern Style and had to visit – love everything in your shop and want to come, right now, wherever you are and buy everything in it. Glad you got the space at the front and aren't freezing any more, there's nothing more miserable.
hope you will be sharing your shop often. I love to see your re-dos.
your space is wonderful, you've got a lot of great things! That print is gorgeous, if you like it, you should take it home, when and if you are ready to let it go, you will! There are things I've sold that I still think about! Having your own shop is so fun and rewarding! Glad you got to move to a better location! My BF and I had a our own store Called Walnut and Vine for 3 years where we rented out space and sold our things. We loved every minute of it!
Can't wait to check out the new spot. Mom and I may need to help a few things find new homes again 🙂