Well, in this case ALOT.
I’ve been mulling this one over for months.
Back in the Summer, June in fact, my partner Lisa decided to step back as a Junkchick and spend more time with her family. And I cometely get that. You see, Lisa has something I’ll never have: grandchildren. So I’ve been a solo act ever since. The problem is, the name belongs to Lisa. I wanted something for myself. Plus, it really wasn’t fair to use a name that never really belonged to me in the first place. And true to form, my gears began to turn. Or as Big Daddy says, ‘I can just see the rats running the wheel in your head right now.’ Apparently, my eyes also glaze over when this happens.
The deciding factor came when several people went down to my shop at Sweeten Creek Antiques and knew my tiny booth right away. And they all said the same thing, ‘I knew it was yours immediately. It’s so ‘You’!
And I wanted a name for my little baby that would also reflect that sentiment.
I have lived my entire life in the South. If you heard me open my mouth you’d have no doubt. I was raised to be a proud daughter of the South and embrace and preserve our traditions and way of life. If you are born and raised down here, especially in the Blue Ridge mountains, you probably grew up with a deep understanding and love of things like our mountains, our cooking, quilting as an art form, Bluegrass music, our unique dialect, MANNERS ( you can still whack a kid down here for not saying ‘Yes Ma’am’ and ‘ No Ma’am”, believe you me). . .
The list is a ponderous one.
In other words, I wanted something hand picked, much like the things I carefully choose to paint and put in my shop , that speak of and to my style and life.
It took almost a month to convince the powers that be at Facebook to allow me to change the name of the page, that I had built and worked hard on for a year and a half! To say I was frustrated is a huge understatement. The undertones of their emails leads me to believe that they thought the name was subversive. When they finally relented, they did not formally inform me of the change. I just checked FB on my phone around nine o’clock one morning, and there it was.
In BIG, Bold letters, staring back at me.
Southern Curated
for the collected home
If you’d had a window cracked at your house, you could have probably heard me squeal!!!
About three weeks ago I took another large step and bought my .com and .net. I waited untill I had complete silence and the whole house to myself. I’m not sure why but I was scared to absolute death to press the button!
I know. I’m nuts.
And Supper Dupper Excited!!!!
Now comes the hard part. I do not have the first clue about how to change the name of this blog or move this blog to another platform. So for now, it’s baby steps for me. I would appreciate ANY advise in that arena. In the mean time, I’m working one logos and some unique signage options for my shop. Till then I’ll leave you with a few images of my shop.
I’ve decided to join some other venders in an After Christmas Sale!
Some Vintege Wedgwood I lucked up on!
Enjoy your holiday weekend!
Blogs I love.
Hi Paige, I too, am an Ashville girl, but now live in Atlanta. I was "home" for a few days recently and visited your booth at Sweeten Creek. Love it and I think your new name fits perfectly. Good luck with your changes.
Well, you just made my day!!! Thank you so much! The ATL is like our second home. My life long best friend lives in Buford and we have been Season ticket holders for the Falcons for 30 years!
Hi Paige, if you are a member of any business group/network group, they sometimes have members who are IT people, so maybe you could ask one of them to help you out, or do a barter arrangement? Alternatively your local community group may have a facebook page so you may be able to find someone there. Or ask your friends/acquaintances and see if there is someone they would recommend that has the right skills in web /internet work. Goodluck.
I like the new moniker! Good luck; sorry I can't offer any guidance.
Love the new name! Thanks for sharing the story behind it. Good luck with the new website domains…I am totally un-techy…just thought of doing what you are doing scares me! lol
Such a pretty space. I don't know much about what you're embarking on.. and probably should head in that direction myself. Share what you learn as you go 🙂