Now that the weather is turning colder here in the mountains of Western North Carolina, yard sales in my neck of the woods are becoming scarce. Alas, I am forced to include Thriftstores in my monthly challenge.
A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.
Antique oak chair
Rarely is the wood of a piece of furniture (that I drag home anyway) so beautiful that I do not want to paint it. This oak chair is perfect and solid as a rock. I found it at a church rummage sale in Brevard NC the second week of November.
For a whopping $3
Red Transferware platter
Oh. My.
This sweet china piece reminds me so much of my Mama. She was also a Transferware Nut, like myself. I collect the black. She had a MASSIVE Blue Willow collection and she also collected the red. The wall above her bed is covered in it. Red was her signature color. I can’t see a piece of red Transferware without thinking of her. I found this piece in a stack of other dishes at my local Salvation Army.
Yea, I know.
I have definately saved the best for last.
White ice skates
Hanging on my front door!
‘There they are and there they’ll stay’
……… Glenda The Good Witch
Ooooo, how I have looked for these!!! I mean on Craigslist and everywhere. Apparently, Goodwill has a sporting goods section.
Who knew?
I was doing a really quick In & Out at my Goodwill right after Halloween and found them.
(Big Squeel)
Well, in terms of my thrifting scores, there you have the best of November. Except for the skates, it’s already in my shop.
Hope your week is great!
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I never thought to look in the sporting section of Goodwill either! I have been looking for skates for such a long time. Thanks for the tip! You always have such great luck in finding such beautiful things! Happy hunting!
That chair!!!! thanks
Wonderful finds!!
OH MY I am loving that platter!!! LOVE. And how I wish I still had my old ice skates from when I was a girl – seeing these on your door bring back such memories of ice skatin g on ponds and rinks as a girl. One year, when I was 13, my aunt made me a special ice skating outfit with the little skirt and vest. Sweet memories.
Love your Moma's red tranferware dishes and those skates are so good on your wreath,
I sent a pair just like those to me daughters to get painted by her,a Christmas scence this has been 15 years ago LOL needless to say I haven't got them back yet. she isa good scene painted on furniture etc