If you ever want to get you home looking good , just invite a bunch of people you’ve never met over. Then add your family to that mix. You’ll get busy, I can promise you that!. So for the past four days I have cleaned my butt off. I’ve been trying to commit suicide via housework. And I’m here to tell you it is a slow, painful way to die.
But my house looks great!
I managed to finally get all six drapery panels finished, pressed and hung. I think that took six weeks but I’m really happy with the change. I cleaned the fridge inside and out, and that’s as far as I’m going with that one! It was embarrassing, and I live here! I dusted EVERYTHING, encluding all moldings, vacuumed all upholstry and threatened the lives of both cats if they got back on any of it.
On Friday evening I poured myself a good glass of wine and sat in the living room just enjoying the fruits of all my labors when I glanced out on the deck.
And panicked.
We’ve spent our entire Summer out on the front porch so to say the deck was looking neglected is an understatement! To complicate things further due to fatigue and the lateness of the hour I knew I had to use whatever I had on hand to spruce it up a bit. I know what y’all are thinking but the French doors that make up most of one wall in our living room look right out on that deck. So I had to do something.
Lucky for me it didn’t take much.
it’s a small deck and I’m a fabric and pumpkin hoarder.
I just grabbed a pumpkin from the dining room and made two pillow covers in the leftover IKEA fabric and that alone made a pretty good place to sit. Next ,I threw out the dead or dying plants and replaced them with a pot of mums from the patio out in front of the house.
I blew the entire space off with the leaf blower and called it done!
The shower went great, but not a single soul stuck a toe out on that deck! I don’t care. It still looks a lot better out there!
I drank my coffee out there this morning.
It was quite nice!
Have a wonderful week ahead,
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Your Fall porch looks really nice… Could go for a coupe of tea out there!
It's perfect! Just enough decor to let you know that it's my favorite time of year 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing your project at The Creative Circle link party.